Each Analogies 101 set contains thirty analogies that introduce students to various forms of analogical reasoning (e.g. antonyms, synonyms, cause/effect, tool/user, whole/part). The examples in all eleven sets use simple vocabulary so they are suitable for all grade levels. The difficulty level and assortment of analogy formats is relatively equal across the eleven sets currently available.
Within each set, the analogies are NOT arranged in order of difficulty, though the more difficult type of analogy -- the type requiring students to supply the whole last pair, not just the last word -- appears towards the end of each set. PLEASE NOTE: The difficult analogies do not employ a particularly advanced vocabulary; what makes them hard is either the subtlety in the analogical relationship or the sly attractiveness of some wrong answer choices.
Each Analogies 101 set also includes an answer key with detailed rationale for both correct and incorrect answer choices.
Individual sets are available for $12 each, or order the complete collection for $125.